Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Muscle Memory Loyalty

Muscle Memory is really brain training to tense and relax certain muscles to do daily activities with little or no thought. Spiritual Muscle Memory is the development of loyal responses to God through much training of the senses to discern right and wrong. Your default response is in obedience to God with little or no thought.


Loyalty Defined – Faithful and unswerving in allegiance – implies a firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray. Divided Loyalty between God and the World will cause one to be unstable in every way.

Faith and Endurance

“When trials arise, it’s our faith that builds endurance, and through endurance, we develop a strength of character that anchors our hope in God’s unfailing promises.”

Overcoming Strongholds in our Mind

Struggling with thoughts that hold you back? Join us as we dig into God’s Word to uncover the power of transforming our minds and overcoming the strongholds that keep us from living a life of freedom and peace. Let’s embark on this journey together, learning how to renew our minds and align our thoughts with God’s truth.

God Speaks

In the Bible we see the spiritual reality that God speaks to his people. The question is do we have ears to hear. Your ability to hear the Lord is dependent upon the condition of your heart. How can we develop a listening heart that is ready to respond to the Lord’s directives?

“Living a Life of Honor: Reflecting God’s Heart in a Dishonoring World” 3

Honor is important in God’s eyes, yet our current culture often neglects this principle. This sermon explores practical ways to honor God, family, and authorities, aiming to restore Honor and blessings in our lives.

Generational Ministry

We have a Biblical mandate to share our faith and our understanding of the things of God with the generations to come.

Abundant Life

Honor is important in God’s eyes, yet our current culture often neglects this principle. This sermon explores practical ways to honor God, family, and authorities, aiming to restore Honor and blessings in our lives.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |