Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Life After Pentecost: “Four Foundations for a Spirit-Filled Life”

After Pentecost, when the early church was filled with the Holy Spirit, they did Four important things. This message directs you to what those four things are after you are filled with the Holy Spirit.

God works all things for good.

When life overwhelms us with trials and tribulations, it can be hard to see beyond the pain and suffering. Yet, Romans 8:28 reminds us that God orchestrates all things for the good of those who love Him, working through every challenge to bring about a greater purpose.


The purpose of Pentecost was for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses. This message shows how Heavenly Father gives the Holy Spirit and Good gifts to those that ask him show ways the Holy Spirit will help people be a witness for Jesus.

Understanding Special Abilities

The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit are the special abilities available to followers of Jesus enabling them and empowering them to be witnesses of Jesus and represent him to the world around us.

Spiritual Discernment

In this message Pastor Roger shares how we can be led by the Spirit using Spiritual Discernment to know those things that God has prepared for us and to make choices in line with the will of God for our lives.

Is it Weird or is it God?

The Purpose of this message – development of discernment and overcoming the natural aversion for apparent foolishness regarding the things of God.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

This message speaks of how the Holy Spirit will enhance our natural gifting, as well as giving us the ability to do beyond our own gifts. All by the empowering grace of God’s Holy Spirit.

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

As Christians, we would sometimes hear about the Holy Spirit, but who is He? First and foremost, let us establish that the Holy Spirit is not a mere concept or an abstract force. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |