Living Faith and the Law of Love
The whole of the law is summed up in Love your Neighbor as yourself. When we are compelled by Christ’s love our works will not be out of obligation, but just responding to the prompting of the Spirit of God.
602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400
The whole of the law is summed up in Love your Neighbor as yourself. When we are compelled by Christ’s love our works will not be out of obligation, but just responding to the prompting of the Spirit of God.
Troubles are an opportunity for growth. Endurance is a necessary element to come to the end. Endurance grows and endurance can be fully developed. The end is maturity, completion and lacking in nothing.
This series, from the book of James, will address vital areas of our life and interaction with the church and culture around us. Faith without corresponding action is really not faith at all, it is dead. Living Faith results in us acting on what we believe and experiencing real changes in our lives.
Examining both natural and spiritual transactions. If you cannot be trusted with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?
Words from Scripture, Words of insight and wisdom shared with our congregation from the leadership board of our team, Dan Gassler and Andy Spurlin. (Watch Both Videos!)
Instructions were given to name the Messiah Jesus, meaning Salvation. And then he is called several things in expression of the character of God to be displayed through him.
We all have a message to share. If we have broken relationships people will not hear our message. This is about healing relationships and developing the skills to form healthy relationships with those around you.
We were knit together by God in our mothers womb. God designed us and gave us skills, and then plans for us to do things in service for him. Love the way that God made you. Avoid the things that will hurt your body. You were bought with a high price. Honor God with your body.