Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

God So Loved – The Father’s Love

eveeveLoveGod so loved that he gave.  This series focuses on the character of God as to the reason for his extreme gift of the sacrifice of his son to restore our fellowship with him. He loved.  Jesus Came.  He gave us eternal life.  The intent of this series is to inspire us to Love, to Go, and to Give.  To love with God’s love in our heart, motivating us to leave our comfort zone, just as Jesus gave up his divine privileges and humbled himself to become a man.  Then to give this message of salvation to those around us.


Kid’s Video Presentation – getting ready for Christmas Eve Service with “Christmas According to Kids” – Here is a taste and a teaser to be amazed and amused with the kids’ responses.  Come to the Christmas Eve Service, Monday, December 24, 5:00pm.


God So Loved… – The Father’s Heart

eveeveGod so lovedGod so loved that he gave.  This series focuses on the character of God as to the reason for his extreme gift of the sacrifice of his son to restore our fellowship with him. He loved.  Jesus Came.  He gave us eternal life.  The intent of this series is to inspire us to Love, to Go, and to Give.  To love with God’s love in our heart, motivating us to leave our comfort zone, just as Jesus gave up his divine privileges and humbled himself to become a man.  Then to give this message of salvation to those around us.

Dual Citizen – Unshakable Kingdom


We are citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of the nation we were born or naturalized into in the earth.  We are called as ambassadors of the kingdom of God and to speak for Christ for people to be reconciled to God.  The message shares how you speak for Christ in this vital season of our country.




Relative Power of States, Nations and Empires (4000 years) Click on Picture for high resolution graphic

Dual Citizenship – Bearing Arms – Part 2


We are citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of the nation we were born or naturalized into in the earth.  We are called as ambassadors of the kingdom of God and to speak for Christ for people to be reconciled to God.  The message shares how you speak for Christ in this vital season of our country.

Dual Citizen – Bearing Arms


We are citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of the nation we were born or naturalized into in the earth.  We are called as ambassadors of the kingdom of God and to speak for Christ for people to be reconciled to God.  The message shares how you speak for Christ in this vital season of our country.

Dual Citizen Mediators


We are citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of the nation we were born or naturalized into in the earth.  We are called as ambassadors of the kingdom of God and to speak for Christ for people to be reconciled to God.  The message shares how you speak for Christ in this vital season of our country.

(see additional links to video and websites below)







Dual Citizenship


We are citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of the nation we were born or naturalized into in the earth.  We are called as ambassadors of the kingdom of God and to speak for Christ for people to be reconciled to God.  The message shares how you speak for Christ in this vital season of our country.

(see additional links to video and websites below)










Larissa Gronseth – What Did You Do with Last Week’s Message?


Larissa Gronseth shares a message about how our action should measure up to our beliefs and how our Sunday gatherings are like the huddle before the play.  We get our strategy and then go out to make the play.  We gather for training and instruction, for encouragement and direction, then we go out to our community with the Great Commandment to love  God and people too, and the Great Commission, to make followers of Jesus.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |