Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Fit for Endurance

eveeveendureIn our focus of 2019, Our Year, Our TIME, the word TIME is an acronym for the focus of

Taught, speaks of being a disciple.  In this Sub series of Spiritual Fitness, we will see how being Spiritually Fit is necessary for fulfilling our development as disciples

Larissa Gronseth – Gains: Pursue Wisdom

eveevelarissa-wideIn our focus of 2019, Our Year, Our TIME, the word TIME is an acronym for the focus of

Larissa brings a recap to the first quarter’s emphasis of “T for Taught” and adds to the Focus of Spiritual Fitness.

Spiritual Fitness – Fit in Faith

eveevefaithIn our focus of 2019, Our Year, Our TIME, the word TIME is an acronym for the focus of

Taught, speaks of being a disciple.  In this Sub series of Spiritual Fitness, we will see how being Spiritually Fit is necessary for fulfilling our development as disciples

Guest Minister – Elisha St. James

Elisha - Music

Worship Service

Musician and Minister Elisha St James leads in worship and then the ministry of the Word.  His message challenges us to live by faith, with the word of the Lord, in the midst of our trials and the testing of our faith.

Note: two videos – Worship and Message







Message Video














Spiritual Fitness

eveeveSpiritualIn our focus of 2019, Our Year, Our TIME, the word TIME is an acronym for the focus of

Taught, speaks of being a disciple.  In this Sub series of Spiritual Fitness, we will see how being Spiritually Fit is necessary for fulfilling our development as disciples

Firm Foundation of Prayer

eveevePrayerBecause of the pressure to compromise the truth and to drift away from it, the scriptures are very plain about standing firm in the truth of the Good News.

Ends of the Earth Missions – Dana and Liz Nile

eveeveniles-wideDirectors of Missions with the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers, Dana and Liz Nile are Itinerant Missionaries in many foreign lands.  Here some  of there testimonies along with a tremendous message on fulfilling your mission.

Firmly Rooted in the Word

eveeveRootedBecause of the pressure to compromise the truth and to drift away from it, the scriptures are very plain about standing firm in the truth of the Good News.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |