Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Not of This World

Jesus said his followers would be in the world but not of the world. That means both separation from worldliness and acknowledgment that our citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. A view toward eternity in God’s kingdom, enables us to endure the opposition in this world.

Pastor Andy Spurlin – Manner of Love

Pastor Andy Spurlin challenges all with how we communicate and relate to one another when there are trespasses and sins that create offenses.

Graham Arram – God of the Unexpected

Graham Arram of England shares about our response when the unexpected happens and learning to trust God in the unexpected.


In this message, Pastor Israel shares the life-changing reality of grace—God’s empowering gift that enables us to live in His strength instead of our own. Join us as we dive deeper into the true meaning of grace.

In the World…

In the phrase “In the Word, not of it”, we look at the first part of that phrase and see what Jesus said about his followers staying in the world and what the purpose of that was for.

Paul’s Passion

Passion has various meanings. A Compelling Emotional response of love or hate, and also suffering as a result of the opposition of people against you. This message is about the Apostle Paul’s suffering passion and God’s answer for him.

Great Boldness to Speak

Four groups of people: Those who will not listen, those who listen and believe but are afraid to follow for fear of rejection, those that follow knowing the fear of God is the only thing that is important, and those that speak making it possible for others to hear and follow if they will. However, when you speak you will often face the opposition of others. Jesus’ followers prayed for courage to speak no matter the opposition.

Use Your Voice – Find Your Voice

God creates platforms for us to speak from. It is an area of your life where you have the opportunity to impact other people. On that platform the Lord will have words for you to speak – to use your voice – which is His voice through you. To be silent is to speak, in essence to condone what is going on when you should speak truth. Then in preparation for the election we find out that our vote is our voice and we must not be silent in this election.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |