For Truth – Follow the Scriptures
People, trading the truth for a lie, become darkened in their understanding and foolish in their minds. The inspired Word of God is Truth, it is living and powerful and God watches over it to perform it.
602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400
People, trading the truth for a lie, become darkened in their understanding and foolish in their minds. The inspired Word of God is Truth, it is living and powerful and God watches over it to perform it.
In a day in which the definition of truth is being changed from an absolute into a culturally shifted “your truth”, the Word of God remains unchanged and is declared to be truth by Jesus Christ.
This is not a funeral sermon, but one in which we learn to give up our lives, to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ.
Andy shares about the significance of continuous fellowship with the Lord.
David and Paula share briefly about their Missions to Thailand and their ministry in the US during Covid. Then David shares a vital message about the development of leadership.
God reveals by His Spirit all that He has prepared for those that love Him.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
How is God’s grace revealed in death when death is the final enemy to be conquered by Christ? How was it an act of God’s abounding grace to banish Adam and Eve from Paradise in the Garden of Eden? These and more in this message of “Abounding Grace.”