Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Enter the Ark

As there was an Ark to keep Noah and his family from the judgment of God, there yet remains an “Ark” by which people are kept from the wrath of God and given salvation, protection, provision, and promise. That “Ark” is Jesus and HIS church.

Dean Marquardt – The Lord is Keeping Me

We are challenged to fulfill our days on the earth and accomplish the purpose of the Lord in our lives to live and to proclaim the goodness of our God. All with God’s help.

The Gift of Life

God breathed into Adam’s Nostrils the breath (spirit) of life. God’s life was extended to all humanity, created in his image, through procreation. Then he offers eternal life. There is so much temporal and eternal purpose for each one that is born. We thank God and our Moms for life!

A Godless Generation

Jesus described the latter days like in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot. Romans 1 speaks of how it is that people come to the place of thinking themselves to become wise, they become darkened in their understanding and utter fools. This results in Sexual Deviance and Perversion. We look at the hard truth of where our world is at today, like in the days of Noah and Lot.

Noah, Carpenter/Preacher

While building the ark to survive the flood, Noah also warned the people of the coming judgment of God. Noah was described as a Preacher of Righteousness. This message evaluates the success of Noah’s ministry.

Rescued From or Kept Through God’s Judgment

There are Biblical examples of God’s people being protected while God’s judgment is being poured out. Then there are examples of God’s people being rescued out of the place where judgment is coming. One thing is certain. God’s people are NOT destined to experience the wrath of God.

The Days of Noah

Jesus said that the last days before his return would be as it was in the days of Noah. The earth was judged with the flood. The earth will once more be judge with fire. How can we be ready for these last days.

Knowing the Power of the Resurrection

This Resurrection Celebration Service includes some of the worship and all of the special music presentations. The message speaks to the power of the resurrection working in us now, and with great anticipation for what lies ahead in the promise of our own resurrection.

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |