God is with You
Struggles Through The Ages
UBU – Transformed and Informed
UBU – You be You – Transformed
UBU – You-be-You Transformed reveals that real change comes about with changing the way we think, or renewing of our minds to think the way that God thinks. God’s thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours. So we are challenged by the Word of God (his thoughts and ways) and given the opportunity to think and act according to his word.

UBU – Conformed
The fear of The Lord
Daily Bread
God’s Word is like bread or spiritual food for our spiritual growth. Daily Bread speaks of fresh understanding from passages of Scripture that will give us “insight for living” (Psalm 19:7-8). To neglect our daily times of prayer, reflection, receiving direction from the Lord, may indicate that our priorities are out of sorts.