New Series: UBU (You Be You)

UBU (You Be You) is a series where we find out the Lord created us with unique design and yet added to the UBU is the going beyond you to be conformed to the image of Christ.
New Series: Use Your Voice
God creates platforms for us to speak from. It is an area of your life where you have the opportunity to impact other people. On that platform the Lord will have words for you to speak – to use your voice – which is His voice through you. To be silent is to speak, in essence to condone what is going on when you should speak truth. Then in preparation for the election we find out that our vote is our voice and we must not be silent in this election.

New Series – Loyalty
Loyalty Defined – Faithful and unswerving in allegiance – implies a firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray. Divided Loyalty between God and the World will cause one to be unstable in every way.

New Series on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, learning to integrate his empowerment into the fabric of our life and ministry

New Series of teaching…Besides the Spiritual death of eternal separation from God, and besides the physical death that eventually comes, there is a death of our life as we ought to experience it, because our sinful actions give birth to death. This series and this message introduces this understanding of how we experience that death and what it means in our daily living.

This Christmas Season we are focused on the humility of Jesus. He humbled himself to become a man and even to the point of death upon the cross. We are given the directive to have the same attitude as Jesus (Philippians 2:3-8)

The New Series of “The Great Unveiling” is about Seeing and Reflecting the Glory of God, with unveiled faces.

Welcome Pastors Israel and Maleca Walters – assisting our congregation in Pastoral Ministry – Assimilation Service, September 3, 2023

Let’s Go Series – “Let’s Go!” is a response to the directive of Jesus, “…Therefore, go.” As any team plans the strategy of each play, they first huddle up for instructions and for encouragement. The gathering of the church body is really like a huddle, preparing us to go out and play to win!

A Series of Teachings focused on the The Truth of God’s Word

In a day in which the definition of truth is being changed from an absolute into a culturally shifted “your truth”, the Word of God remains unchanged and is declared to be truth by Jesus Christ.
A Series of Teachings focused on the Judgment, and the Grace of God

Godliness – a Focus for 2022
God has given us all that we need for life and godliness. This is the result of His great and precious promises as stated in 2 Peter 1:3-4
Click on the image to go to the series of teachings.